Washington University School of Law

University City (St. Louis), Missouri

Washington University School of Law seeks a visiting clinical professor to direct our Intellectual Property Clinic.

The Intellectual Property Clinic is one of 20 distinct clinic and externship opportunities at WashULaw. 

Job Number:  01-240426-02: Visiting Clinical Professor / Director-Intellectual Property Clinic

Company Name:  Washington University School of Law

We are seeking a candidate to direct our Intellectual Property Clinic. The successful candidate will work with students to represent clients in the intellectual property space.

The successful candidate will also teach a weekly seminar.

For more information, please see the link below.

Interested Parties/How to Apply:     

Please apply online at: https://wustl.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/External/job/Washington-University-Danforth-Campus/Visiting-Clinical-Professor--Director-of-Intellectual-Property-Clinic---School-of-Law_JR81633